Mo Egger

Mo Egger

Mo Egger delivers his unique take on sports on Cincinnati's ESPN 1530!Full Bio


Definitive Rankings Of Marvin Lewis' Cheesy Training Camp Slogans.

The Bengals have a new training camp slogan. I'm not sure exactly what it means, or how players are supposed to interpret it, but this year's mantra is, apparently, "Run Your Own Gas."  Players arrived for training camp today and had t-shirts with this year's new saying waiting for them.

"Run Your Own Gas" might be a good slogan for a petroleum company, or a automobile manufacturer.  It'd be a decent song title for the main track about an awkward teen who used car racing success to get the girl in the end. As for a football team's slogan, well, time will tell if "Run Your Own Gas" proves to be effective, even if we never really know its meaning.

The training camp slogan has been a mainstay of the Marvin Lewis era. To the best of my recollection, there have been ten training camps out of 15 where Marvin has supplied his players t-shirts carrying the year's cheesy slogan.  Here are the definitive rankings of those slogans, starting at the bottom.

10) "Pound The Rock" (2016) You know how last season just felt really stale?  Maybe the vibe of the entire year had its origins in the training camp logo which felt like it'd been recycled from every high school football team coached by someone too preoccupied with grading papers to come up with something original.  

9) "Challenge The Moment" (2014) When the Bengals rolled this one out three years ago, I figured Marvin Lewis had spent his summer vacation learning motivational ploys from someone who lived in a blue van down by the river

8) "DNO" (2012) I know we live in an age of abbreviation. I have former friends who've texted me back "K" instead of "OK" in response to a message I've sent.  I say former friends because if you hit someone back with "K," you might as well send them a picture of your middle finger.  But the problem with this slogan is that t-shirts aren't supposed to make the person seeing you wear it wonder what it means.  A good novelty t-shirt makes the person on the other end nod, chuckle, or say "ah ha," not ignite boring conversations about its meaning, which for the Bengals that year was "Destination New Orleans."

7) "Bengals Revival" (2015) One of my many professional goals is to not work for the kind of place where the people in charge make us go on retreats for team-building and communication.  This slogan made me think that Marvin was going to have his guys go out to some secluded place to brainstorm, then make them do trust-falls and learn one thing about every teammate later at night.

6) "Run On Your Own Gas" (2017) Seriously, what the f--k does it mean? Why do I mashup "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac and "Running On Empty" by Jackson Browne when I see this slogan?  Also, I need cooler music references than Fleetwood Mac and Jackson Browne. Lance probably loves this slogan. Shit.

5) "Keep Shoveling" (2003) Marvin Lewis arrived in Cincinnati and tried to install a blue-collar, hard-working identity for his first teams, and this saying embodied that.  It also made me wonder, if Marvin Lewis needed a hole dug at his house, would he man the shovel, or hire someone to do the work?  And if so, would he yell at the help to keep shoveling? I had a lot of time on my hands in my mid-20s.

4) "Success: A Lot Of Little Things Done Well." (2013) Ever work for one of those people that has a bunch of Successories - those lame motivational posters - in their office, or in the conference room?  This slogan reminded me of that boss, and it made me think of Marvin Lewis as that type of boss, with self-improvement books on the shelf behind his desk, and early morning emails to employees that need a little extra pushing. Think about Marvin Lewis hanging out by the coffee machine, trying to catch up on the latest office gossip, or issuing a memo about an early release before a long weekend.  It makes you smile.  OK, it makes me smile. 

3) "Fight Back" (2009) I liked this one, which seemed appropriate after the 2008 team had been such a punchline. This year's Bengals have a couple of players who live by this slogan's relative, "Fight First."

2) "Now." (2008) Points for urgency. Points for brevity.  And the ability to - once the season spiraled out of control - make the t-shirt current by putting the word "Not" before the slogan.

1) "Do Your Job" (2005) I'll admit, I bought a "Do Your Job" t-shirt. In fact, I may still have it. It was meant to remind Bengals players that they had to take care of their own responsibilities in order to help the greater good.  Just wish the guys would've been wearing these shirts at halftime of the playoff game.

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