If Meyer Knew, Choosing Loyalty Over Doing What’s Right Is A Head-scratcher

This was originally published in The Athletic....

One question eats at me as I watch this whole what-did-Urban Meyer-know-and-what-did-or-didn’t-he-do-about-it scandal play out in Columbus, and admittedly it’s not the most important question that needs to be answered. The far more important, pressing questions are, in order…

  • What did Meyer know about the alleged domestic violence incidents involving former assistant coach Zach Smith?
  • What did Meyer’s wife know about the alleged domestic violence incidents involving Smith, and what about what she knew did she disclose or not disclose to her husband?
  • What other Ohio State staffers knew about alleged domestic violence incidents involving Smith?
  • Has Meyer coached his last game with the Buckeyes?

But as we wait for those answers – and I suspect we won’t have to wait long – and as some fans do the exhausting mental gymnastics required to justify someone doing nothing about what Smith is alleged to have done, I have one question that may never get answered…

Urban Meyer has put his job, his career and his legacy in jeopardy out of loyalty to Zach Smith????

To read the entire piece, go to The Athletic.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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