Lance McAlister

Lance McAlister

Lance McAlister covers everything in Cincinnati sports! Host of sports talk on Cincinnati News Radio 700WLW and ESPN 1530!Full Bio


101st edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

101st edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

Very little stuns me anymore. Terry Francona coming out of retirement and choosing the Reds stuns me.

I keep having to remind myself which schools went where in conference realignment and that these CFB matchups are now actually conference games.

Pete Rose was my first sports hero. I'm so sad.

I had to mow twice this week. Sigh.

Grocery shopping at night is very underrated. Quiet. No crowds. Time to yourself. Music playing. Yea, the deli is closed, but I'm in!

Wait……Bubbles from The Wire is the character in the Chris Stapleton video “Think I’m In Love With You"?

I lover afternoon MLB playoff games.

Update: The yellow jackets nest in the front yard appeared handled. Thanks listener Matt (Home Depot) and everyone offering suggestions. A combo of Spectracide, diatomaceous earth and gasoline did the trick.

Friday night is the 25th anniversary of the Reds losing to Al Leiter and the Mets in the Wild Card tiebreaker at Cinergy Field. I was there with Kelly, who was pregnant with Casey. Outside of the Big Red Machine teams and '90 Wire-to-Wire team, it's my favorite Reds team.

If we are going to bang on the Bengals drafting issue, we must praise the instant impact of picks like Amarius Mims (1st round), Kris Jenkins (2nd round) and Erik All (4th round).

Anyone else put ketchup on their scrambled eggs?

There feels like a Grand Canyon gap between the Bengals being 2-3 with a win vs 1-4 with a loss.

MLB players could not bet on baseball in 1919, or in 1989, or today. Stop using MLB's relationship with gambling as a reason to put Rose in the HOF. The rule against it has NEVER changed. And it's always been clear and present on each clubhouse wall.

ESPN people just keep laughing and thanking Bengals fans for the clicks and listens after they say stuff to incite.

Pete Rose Jr. sent me a thank you Tweet after Tuesday's show. He said he thought we all needed it. I smiled. I had a tear in my eye.

Peyton is a connoisseur of classic movies. I actually found myself asking my 22-year old daughter if Taxi Driver was worth watching.

The argument for Rose is that the writers or Veterans Committee should be able to vote up or down on his HOF status. The biggest injustice was the HOF changing the policy to prevent players on the permanently ineligible list from being voted on one more before Rose was to go on the ballot.

Asheville, NC is one of our favorite cities visited. Just heartbreaking to see what has happened.

My two favorite sports figures growing up turned out to be two of the most flawed sports figures: Pete Rose and Bob Knight.

Hey, I saw Bob Odenkirk in an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond. 

What's up with all the big white capped mushrooms that have sprouted up in my yard last week?

I wonder if Jesse Winker would still be here if he'd lost those 25-30 pounds for the Reds?

If Bengals TE Erik All was a stock, I'd buy, buy, buy.

Remember, talent still matters. The Guardians won 76 games with Francona last year and 92 with rookie manager Stephen Vogt this year. Can't wait to see what the Reds do next.

I'm a creature of habit. That includes watching Saturday Night Life. I wasn't impressed with the Season 50 debut.

Don't worry about what you don't care about

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