Lance McAlister

Lance McAlister

Lance McAlister covers everything in Cincinnati sports! Host of sports talk on Cincinnati News Radio 700WLW and ESPN 1530!Full Bio


117th edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

117th edition of My Random Thoughts: Sports, TV, music, food, life.....

This weather is bullcrap.

I still use old school kids' left handed scissors with the green rubber handles.

I thought Starsky & Hutch were the coolest cops going when I was kid.

Diagnosed with AML leukemia when he was two and a half years old, needing a bone marrow transplant and given a 15% chance of survival, Casey turns 25 next Thursday. Talk about being blessed.

Good for MLB for opting out of their TV package with ESPN. ESPN has treated MLB like an afterthought on Sports Center and their talking head shows for years. ESPN will have more time to talk about Aaron Rodgers, the Cowboys and Lakers.

New show we are enjoying: Colin from Accounts. It's an Australian rom-com on Binge.

School math books used to have the answers to the odd numbered questions in the back. I swear the even numbered were always the hardest.

Fearing falling asleep before the end of the 4 Nations Face-off, I had Alexa set a 17 minute alarm during the intermission into OT.  

Things I learned 42 years later: Lee Ving, lead singer of punk rock band Fear, played the strip club owner in Flashdance.

They still make Handi-Snacks? The pack of five crackers with a blob of cheese and tiny red plastic stick to spread it with? 

The more I hear about the number of Reds players having lost weight, the more I wonder why they didn't consider it important enough to be in shape last season?

My latest obsession is meal prep.

When Casey was first diagnosed with leukemia, Kelly and I cried. But we decided that would be the last cry. We couldn't do anything about what had happened, but we could focus on what was next.

I shake my head when I hear Notre Dame basketball coach Micah Shrewsberry complain about fan support. You know what fans owe teams? Absolutely nothing. Time is valuable. Money is tight. Tickets are expensive. Watching has become a hassle. It’s time teams stop expecting support. Earn it.

Please understand, most national talking heads use your passion as Bengals fans to troll you for clicks, views and listens to their material. Don't let them play you.

Good TV show canceled too soon: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Ran 22 episodes in 2006.  Bradley Whitford, Matthew Perry and Amanda Peet. The only Aaron Sorkin show to not get renewed after the first season.

Song I cranked the car radio to this week: Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits.

Don't worry about things you don't care about.

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