Here's Thursday afternoon's show on ESPN1530, complete with interviews with Rookie Davis and Amir Garrett of the Reds, ESPN's Tom Crean, as well as Byron Larkin, and Terry Nelson. We also dedicated this one to a special co-worker.
Here's Thursday night's ESPN1530 Crosstown Shootout Special, from the Skyline Chili Crosstown Shootout VIP Party. Both head coaches joined me, as did both athletic directors, in addition to CBS Sports' Steve Wolf, and the great Dan Hoard.
Here's Friday's Cincy 3:60, with James and I going wall-to-wall Crosstown Shootout.
For more podcasts, including entire shows, go to my podcast page. Listen to my show weekday afternoons, 3:00 - 6:00 on ESPN1530. Listen to ESPN1530 24/7 by going here.
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