Mo Egger

Mo Egger

Mo Egger delivers his unique take on sports on Cincinnati's ESPN 1530!Biografía completa


ESPN1530 Podcast: Three Things To Listen To, One Place.

One blog post, three things to listen to...

Yesterday's #Cincy360, which featured James and I talking about the FC Cincinati move to MLS, Andy Dalton's potential for 2018, moving Homer Bailey to the bullpen, and more.

Then there was yesterday's afternoon show. We talked a ton about FC Cincinnati, I complained a little about the Reds, we were joined by Preston Brown and Trey Hopkins of the Bengals, I chatted with FCC President and GM Jeff Berding, and we did almost an entire segment of callers complimenting me. I enjoyed that part.

And if you just want the Berding interview, I've posted that as well.  Enjoy...

For more podcasts, including entire shows, go to my podcast page. Listen to my show weekday afternoons, 3:00 - 6:00 on ESPN1530. Listen to ESPN1530 24/7 by going here

Follow me on Twitter: @MoEgger1530.

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