This was originally published in The Athletic...
My job, both online and on air, is to have strong, hard-hitting opinions. I’m supposed to come at you forcefully with my takes, emphatically telling it the way it is, while quickly dismissing any dissenting point of view. I’m also required to do this with a scowl on my face, because that’s the way those people who give their opinions on TV do it.
So, imagine me scowling as I bang forcefully into my keyboard this scorching take about Reds interim manager Jim Riggleman. Prepare to douse what you’re reading this on in cold water, because this is going to be really, really hot. Ready? OK!
I feel indifference toward Jim Riggleman.
Whoa, right? I have really brought it this time, hitting you right across the face with a roundhouse of hard-driving sports commentary. Jim Riggleman. Meh.
To read the entire piece, go to The Athletic.
(Photo: Getty)