Mo Egger

Mo Egger

Mo Egger delivers his unique take on sports on Cincinnati's ESPN 1530!Biografía completa


ESPN1530 On Demand: The Tony And Mo Football Show, Week Two.

On the week two version of the Tony and Mo Football Show, Tony Pike and I broke down Sunday's Bengals disaster against San Francisco. We complained that the 49ers' best defensive player was a guy the Bengals could've signed, wondered where Germaine Pratt was, and did a search for the Bengals' running game.

We also discussed the impact of Ben Roethlisberger's injury, looked ahead to the Buffalo Bills, complained about crappy NFL officiating, and explored whether the UC/Miami rivalry has outlived its usefulness. Listen...

The Tony and Mo Football Show originates from the Sam Adams Tap Room in OTR every Monday from 3:00'til 6:00. Join us!

For more on-demand listening, including entire shows,go to my podcast page. Listen to my show weekday afternoons, 3:00 - 6:00 on ESPN1530. Listen to ESPN1530 24/7 by going here

Follow me on Twitter: @MoEgger1530.

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