Mo Egger

Mo Egger

Mo Egger delivers his unique take on sports on Cincinnati's ESPN 1530!Full Bio


7/29/24 - The Mo Egger Radio Show

Back from vacation!

Monday's show:

A disheartening Reds loss, puzzling David Bell decisions, and the Reds trade strategy as the deadline approaches.

And was Sunday's game in St. Pete a microcosm of the Reds future? 

Ja'Marr sits again. I compare his contract situation to mine, and I compare Zac Taylor as a middle-manager to me being in middle management in the mid-2000s.

Plus, thoughts on stuff that happened while I was away, Tony Pike from Bengals training camp, and an off day for Elly De La Cruz?

Podcasts of The Mo Egger Radio Show are a service of Longnecks Sports Grill.

Listen to the show live weekday afternoons 3:00 - 6:00 on ESPN1530.

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